Eagle? No, Hawk!
Eagle? No, Hawk!

Eagle? No, Hawk!

Taken by Madeline H, Livingston NJ

Eagles, hawks, and falcons are three different groups of birds that share very similar features. In this picture, a hawk is perched on a backyard tree. It is suspected that this specific hawk is a broad-winged hawk. Broad-winged hawks are “rather small [and] compact … about the size of Red-shouldered Hawk, [but] smaller than Red-tailed Hawk. Adults are solid brown above, barred reddish-brown below with bold black-and-white tail bands. Immatures similar, but with blotchier markings below and thin, diffuse tail bands” (Broad-Winged Hawk – eBird).

“Broad-Winged Hawk – Ebird.” EBird, https://ebird.org/species/brwhaw.

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